What Is Triple Negative Breast Cancer

What is triple negative breast cancer as mentioned in previous blog breast disease is not homogeneous, but is produced in ten subtypes. One of these subtypes are called triple-negative breast cancer (forms of cancer) and since it is the primary diagnosis of patent 1-7 NBC deserves what is triple negative breast cancer our attention. But why triple negative? 

Breast cancers are characterized by the presence or absence of what is triple negative breast cancer three proteins that drive tumor growth: estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and human epidermal factor receptor 2 (triple negative metastatic breast cancer) growth. None of these receptors - which form the basis of therapy directed - are in the form of cancer, hence the name: triple negative.

 NBC is known to be associated with what is triple negative breast cancer the rapid evolution of biological characteristics, the potential for high malignancy and therefore a poor prognosis. Depending on the stage of diagnosis, how cancer can be particularly aggressive, more likely to recur than other subtypes of breast cancer triple negative metastatic breast cancer, which attaches great importance to early diagnosis. In recent years, a number of research groups have conducted retrospective studies which compared the mammography what is triple negative breast cancer and ultrasound images of this form of cancer with other cancer subtypes.

Just published in Act Radiologic is a document in Seoul, Korea, where the authors studied the images of 281 patients what is triple negative breast cancer with surgically confirmed breast cancer, 45 of them had form of cancer triple receptor negative breast cancer. Based on mammography, NBC cases had either hyper dense mass with an oval (69%) or lobular (29%) form without the presence of micro calcifications, as a form of cancer ultrasound appeared as hypo echoic masses. 

triple negative metastatic breast cancer similar results were reported in the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine and breast cancer, suggesting that familiarity with combined what is triple negative breast cancer mammography and ultrasound characteristics of this form of cancer could be crucial to avoid FALSE negative diagnosis.

Scientists from the Genome Institute of Singapore just reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences the discovery of a protein tyrosine phosphates - called BASH - which is over expressed in triple negative metastatic breast cancer one third of patients NBC. 

Lead researcher Dr. Yu Qing said: "The identification of target genes remains the most important for the treatment of an early stage what is triple negative breast cancer of the disease. Objective BASH not only inhibits the growth of this form of invasive cancer, but also significantly reduce metastasis. "We BASH was developed as a way to identify these patients NBC increased risk of relapse and a new form of treatment what is triple negative breast cancer.

It is triple receptor negative breast cancer encouraging to know that life after breast cancer and triple negative breast cancer foundation is funding breakthrough research triple negative metastatic breast cancer to support the discovery of what is triple negative breast cancer new treatments for NBC patients.

What Is The Cause Of Breast Cancer

What is the cause of breast cancer Nobody knows for sure, but it's pretty safe to say that there are several possible contributors, many of them based on the environment. Cancer Research UK has distinguished hormonal factors, such as having children later in life, have fewer children or birth what is the cause of breast cancer control pills, as suspects, for example.

This makes sense, since in 2002 one of the largest studies and best designed of hormone replacement therapy what is the cause of breast cancer was stopped because women taking these synthetic hormones had an increased risk of breast cancer for example (and heart attack, stroke brain and blood clots), which continued the study would have been unethical.

The news made what is the cause of breast cancer headlines because millions of women have already taken these synthetic hormones, but, fortunately, has led many of them to quit. So what do you think happened a year after millions of women stopped taking hormone replacement therapy? The what is the cause of breast cancer incidence of breast cancer has declined dramatically - from 7 percent!

What does this have to do with the pill what is the cause of breast cancer? Birth control pills contain the same type of synthetic hormones - estrogen and protesting - that were used in the study unhappy!

Even women what is the cause of breast cancer who do not take the pill are exposed to synthetic hormones that have become increasingly common in recent years.

For example, parables what is the cause of breast cancer are chemicals with similar properties to estrogen, and estrogen is one of the hormones involved in the development of breast cancer. Para bens are widely used in personal care products like shampoo, lotion, deodorant, shaving gel and cosmetics.

These chemicals what is the cause of breast cancer were detected in the breast cancer tissue in concentrations of up to 1 million times the estrogen (Estrada) found naturally in human breast levels tissue.3 poplar, in particular, was found in the concentration higher in the area of the axilla (armpit), which use air fresheners what is the main cause of breast concerned prevalence of breast cancer is at its highest.

Clearly, these chemicals accumulate in high concentrations alarming, probably due to its widespread and persistent daily use what is the main cause of breast cancer. And exposure often begins in the womb, the health effects of which are completely unknown.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

What are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer In breast cancer may not show any symptoms. Women can not feel anything different, but in most breast cancer cases are discovered by piece women feel different from the other part of the chest what are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.

Generally breast abnormality is on a mammogram, which is signs and symptoms of male breast cancer the chest radiograph.

One of these changes what are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer could be a symptom of breast cancer. If women notice changes listed below should immediately consult a doctor.

The symptoms of breast cancer. The breast cancer symptoms, signs and photos

 A. lump in the breast or armpit what are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer

 signs of breast cancer

Lump in the breast or signs and symptoms of male breast cancer armpit

breast what are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer lumps are swelling that make women feel different from other surrounding breast tissue. About 10 out of 100 breast tumors leads to breast cancer. Pieces found in lymph nodes in the axilla analyzes also indicate breast cancer. If the skin of the nipple (especially with women who are signs and symptoms of male breast cancer breast-feeding) is injured or cracked, bacteria can enter the wound what are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and cause infections. This type of infection can cause breast lumps.It should be noted that the parts are not always cancerous

1. Inflammation of part or all what are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer of a small chest

Inflammation of part or all of a small chest.

Swelling means the extension of a body part, and we talk about breast if the breasts become abnormally swollen could be a symptom of breast cancer.

 2. Changes in the size or shape of the breast. The changes in the shape or size of the breasts are completely normal, but it is the duty of a woman to make sure that nothing was done wrong.

3. nipple pain or nipple inward moving. what are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer Early sign of breast cancer, nipple inversion.

4. redness in the nipple or breast, diagnosis of breast cancer signs and symptoms of male breast cancer. Redness of the skin of the breast.

5. Nipple fluid leakage than strict milk, self-test for breast cancer. Nipple fluid leaks, including blood.

However, these changes may be signs of normal changes or less serious problems that are not cancerous, however, just to what are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer make sure you checked by a doctor immediately chest.